Stockholm Royal Seaport

Sustainability Report

Completed Updated: 04/07/2024

Urban Logistics

Freight transport in cities is a large and growing challenge, with transporters individually optimising their deliveries. A vast number of vehicles deliver to individual addresses, and the proportion of empty journeys is high. As urbanisation increases, so does the need for solutions that optimise urban freight traffic.

Stockholm Royal Seaport will generate considerable amounts of freight and waste transport. In the future, it's also expected that both consumption of, and the need for, deliveries will increase. The increasing prevalence of e-commerce, the shift towards a sharing economy, and a reduction in private car ownership impose new demands on residential area planning and adjacent infrastructure.

Purpose and goals

The project's objective was twofold: to expedite the development of technologies and business models that optimise urban freight transport, and to explore various logistic solutions and how they could be applied in Stockholm Royal Seaport.

Results and experiences

When it comes to selecting a distribution set-up, several conflicting objectives arise that necessitate ongoing efforts to identify an appropriate solution.

  • Should we opt for small electric or biogas-powered vehicles, or larger, more traditional distribution vehicles? The former involves many vehicle movements, while the latter enables fewer movements due to higher load capacity.
  • Should we have many delivery points for parcel freight, thereby providing a higher level of service, or fewer delivery points and fewer vehicle movements? Having many delivery points ensures a high level of service and convenience for end-recipients. However, fewer delivery points would reduce vehicle movements, although this could lead to a perceived decrease in the level of service.
  • Consolidated delivery increases lead times due to additional terminal handling, which could lead to a perceived decrease in service quality by end- recipients. This issue must be considered in relation to transport efficiency and environmental aspects.

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