Stockholm Royal Seaport

Sustainability Report

Completed Updated: 03/07/2024

A roadmap to a fossil fuel-free city district

Stockholm Royal Seaport was part of a group of cities that developed a method for creating a roadmap towards climate-positive cities, the Climate Positive Development Program (CPDP), an initiative within the C40 network. Stockholm Royal Seaport’s sustainability roadmap is based on the CPDP framework. The plan sets out how Stockholm Royal Seaport can be climate-positive by 2030. The framework comprises several steps, the first of which is to develop a roadmap with strategies to become a climate-positive district during its operation.

Climate-positive development refers to project areas in which net emissions of greenhouse gases are less than zero according to the CPDP framework. By carrying out a “balance sheet for coal” for the district in energy supply, transport, and waste, strategies can show when the district is climate positive. How geographical and system boundaries are defined for calculations is essential in determining the results of these calculations.

Purpose and goal

The purpose of the project was to develop strategies to ensure that Stockholm Royal Seaport will be climate-positive by 2030 and to contribute to developing and disseminating methods and experiences internationally for how to work towards, monitor, and calculate climate impacts in a city district.

Results and experiences

Stockholm Royal Seaport developed a roadmap that was approved in 2017, thereby making it a full project partner.

The roadmap shows that with the requirements that Stockholm Royal Seaport sets in the project, climate emissions can be reduced by about 60%. Calculations include energy, transport, and waste.

The process of developing the roadmap has contributed to an in-depth understanding of the effects that different requirements contribute to and has also improved collaboration between City of Stockholm administrations and companies.

Further reading:

External website: C40 Cities