Stockholm Royal Seaport

Sustainability Report

Completed Updated: 07/06/2024

Sustainability Portal – systematic monitoring of sustainability requirements

Stockholm Royal Seaport sets ambitious sustainability requirements for developers. These requirements are followed up and materials are reviewed to ensure compliance. Initially, follow-up was manual and managed in Excel. As the number of developers increased, the need to systematise and simplify the process also increased. In 2013, a digital tool was procured for monitoring sustainability requirements imposed on construction actors.

The procurement was carried out in a competitive dialogue with suppliers. The first version of the sustainability portal was implemented in 2014. It was a traditional financial monitoring system that was further developed with sustainability parameters.

The procurement was carried out in a competitive dialogue with suppliers. The first version of the sustainability portal was implemented in 2014. It was a traditional financial monitoring system that was further developed with sustainability parameters.

Purpose, objectives and results

The purpose of the sustainability portal was to: • Systematise the collection of verifications from developers. • Simplify the administration of follow-up processes. • Simplify communication with developers. • Simplify the analysis of results.

The goal of the sustainability portal was to evaluate the requirements for future projects to ensure continuous improvement.

Results and lessons learned

Although the sustainability portal was used to monitor sustainability requirements, there were many functions that needed to be developed to adapt the system to processes in Stockholm Royal Seaport. Functions developed between 2014 and 2021 included:

  • Stage division for each developer (reporting should be done in six different stages, and previous information must not be overwritten).
  • Various reporting functions.
  • Automation of necessary information flows between the developer, follow-up co-ordinator, and external reviewers.
  • Deviation reporting.
  • A homepage per developer for easier overview of reporting.

Lessons learned included that it is relatively complicated to "translate" a work process into a digital information flow process. Close co-operation with the city's experts was needed, where IT and procurement functions played an important role. The work has been a learning journey and has contributed to greater co-operation between developers and the City, as well as the City's IT and procurement experts. Experiences from the sustainability portal have formed the basis for the procurement of the Development Administration’s follow-up portal, which since 2021 has been used to follow up requirements in all land allocations in Stockholm.

Further reading:

Website: The City of Stockholms follow-up of sustainability requirements (Swedish only)

(City of Stockholm)