Stockholm Royal Seaport

Sustainability Report

Research and innovation projects

To reach Stockholm Royal Seaport's ambitious sustainability goals, new knowledge, systems, and processes are needed. Around 40 projects have been completed, with 11 ongoing in construction, mass consolidation, water & wastewater, digitization, electrification, and more.

Visualisation of the waterfront arena at Kolkajen. People walk along the water, swim, and go boating. Residential buildings on either side of the waterfront arena.
In progress

Climate impact analysis of a detailed development plan

The purpose of a climate impact analysis for an entire detailed development plan is to place various building components and the construction phase in one context and identify the factors driving climate impact. The objective is to develop a tool for early-stage analysis of climate impact during the detailed development planning phase.

In progress

Testing leaching from sulfide-rich rock masses

Close-up of greenery
In progress

Analysis of synergies between food, water, and energy

TANGO-W is an applied research project assessing cities' sustainability potential at the nexus of food, energy, and water systems.

In progress

Capacity building for circular wastewater management

Small truck that drives a construction container
In progress

Innovative construction logistics

A Construction Consolidation Centre for building materials minimize the number of heavy truck transports made to and from Stockholm Royal Seaport construction sites. Co-ordination of transports by the centre, in addition to waste management, cuts the number of transports by as much as a half.

Illustration with pictogram
In progress

BEAst: Environmental data follow-up

In order to achieve a climate-neutral and competitive construction sector, one step is to measure and capture environmental data that can be evaluated. Currently, the city is testing the BEAst system to capture all emission data from construction production regarding transportation, building materials, and construction processes.

Eco-cycle model
In progress

Stockholm Royal Seaport's Eco-cycle model

An ambitious effort of requirement setting, monitoring, and data collection has been underway for several years. Parallel to that, the ambition has been to develop an interactive circular economy model called 'Reflow'.

llustration showing people walking along the quay in Södra Värtan.
In progress

Mobility Index promotes sustainable travel

Stockholm Royal Seaport contributes to sustainable mobility by collaborating with stakeholders in the area. The aim is to achieve established targets in areas including safety, environment, health, and accessibility.

In progress

Project: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Close-up of water with a pictogram in the middle that illustrates a droplet.

Grey becomes blue – greywater for irrigation and industrial processes

A book with the title PED

Cities4PEDs: Cities for positive energy districts

In the Cities4PEDs, Cities for Positive Energy Districts, research and development project, the cities of Brussels, Vienna and Stockholm will investigate how energy-positive areas can be created.

 Screenshot displaying the text "It is profitable to be climate-smart."

Increased citizen engagement for reduced climate impact

The project 'Citizen Engagement as a Platform for Reducing Climate Impact' is ongoing until autumn 2023.

MACRO logo with elements representing water and greenery

Food in Robust Circular Systems

To be a sustainable and attractive city, we need to use society’s residual products and manage its water. MACRO is a collaborative project involving 10 parties.

Urban Harvest 2052 logo. A round orange circle with a light yellow and blue jellyfish.

The future of urban food production

Urban Harvest 2052. The future of urban food production

A person stands in front of a vacuum waste collection system chute with monster illustration.

Re3 – Increased commitment to waste sorting and reducing energy use

Close-up of hands holding a mobile phone displaying waste calculation.


The LocalLife project is an innovative communication platform for people in local communities, for example a city district. Pilot studies were conducted in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm Royal Seaport, Storsudret on the island of Gotland and Ebbepark in Linköping.


The Construction Sector's Environmental Calculation Tool, Climate Calculation Test

The Environmental Administration, the Development Administration, and the housing companies have together tested and evaluated IVL's industry-wide climate calculation tool.

Electric truck displaying the text 'I run on electricity'.

Construction site electrification

The project "View from the Driver's Seat" aims to facilitate the introduction of electric trucks and electrified work machines at construction sites.


Procurement of electric truck

The purpose of the electric truck is to reduce the environmental impact and noise from construction transport, and through the use of swap body systems, increase flexibility to avoid diesel-powered auxiliary machines for unloading. The goal is to minimise the emissions of greenhouse gases from construction transport.

Illustration  visualising how the city is interlinked with nature and our planet.

Connected Stockholm Royal Seaport

Connected SRS was initiated with the aim of continuing to explore how IoT and increased data sharing could be used as a tool in sustainability work, this time based on the city’s strategy.

Kvarteret Töfsingdalen och Björnlandet i Norra Djurgårdsstaden

Green structures as active components in the urban environment

C/O City was a research and development project based on the challenges related to climate change and the deterioration of ecosystems due to urbanisation. The project was intended to develop knowledge about how Stockholm Royal Seaport’s green structures could support and develop ecosystems and biodiversity and maintain valuable ecosystem services.

Recycling centre of the future

Innovation procurement for recycling centre of the future

Stockholm Royal Seaport contributes to make it easy to recycle in the area with an innovative platform solution for the collection and disposal of bulky waste with high environmental requirements. The project is the initiative of the Development Administration and Stockholm Vatten och Avfall, both City of Stockholm.

Visionary image of Kolkajen. Adults and children are walking on a jetty along the water, swimming and playing. Residences in the background.

Energy System Analysis in Kolkajen

Aerialview Loudden

Energy systems analysis in Loudden

The “Systems analysis for future sustainable energy systems” project is a comprehensive study into the energy supply in Loudden, a sub-area of Stockholm Royal Seaport.


Sustainability Portal – systematic monitoring of sustainability requirements

Containers surround excavation and rock masses

Quieter Urban Crushing and Material Handling

The project studies the possibilities of lowering noise levels at crushing sites and mass logistics centres through better investigative groundwork, follow-up, and setting of requirements.

Aerial view of Kolkajen and Ropsten

Innovation procurement land remediation

The Innovative Land Remediation project aims to identify, procure, and test methods and techniques for land remediation and preparation of former industrial land.

Weather station collecting rainwater with QR code.

Smarter Greener Cities

As part of the urban development project Stockholm Royal Seaport, work is being done into how smart technology can strengthen the dialogue and feedback between nature and people and help us become better at interpreting nature – especially when nature is under pressure, such as during periods of heavy rain and in dry, hot summers.

Aerial view shows buildings along Husarviken meeting the National Urban Park

Climate-neutral city districts in Europe

Vision of Kolkajen-Ropsten

A roadmap to a fossil fuel-free city district

The purpose of the project was to develop strategies to ensure that Stockholm Royal Seaport will be fossil fuel-free by 2030 and to contribute to developing and disseminating methods and experiences internationally for how to work towards, monitor, and calculate climate impacts in a city district.

Close-up of a lush field

Food and energy in a circular economy

The purpose of the project was to review the potential of increased use of resources through source-separating wastewater systems.

Pictogram showing a lorry

Urban Logistics


Smart City SRS