Transforming a brownfield site into a green and bustling city hub
In Stockholm Royal Seaport, innovations foster sustainable, resource-efficient urban development.
A Walk Through Gasverket
The city's vision is to preserve and develop the culturally significant buildings and environments within the Gasverket.
Explore the transformation of Gasverket »Newly planted trees
The diverse array of tree species supports biodiversity and strengthens ecological dispersal corridors.
Explore the interactive map »Sustainability in focus
Stockholm Royal Seaport's ambitious sustainability goals require new knowledge to be developed and shared with all stakeholders in the urban development process.
Learn more about sustainable city development »Sustainable Urban Development Programme
Our urban development is based on a holistic approach and long-term perspective in both planning and implementation.
Read the programme (pdf) »
Award-winning urban development
For its innovative and long-term sustainability solutions, Stockholm Royal Seaport has been rewarded with the ROT Award, Landscape Architecture Award, and C40 Cities Award, among others.
About the urban development project »An innovative part of Stockholm
This is where innovation within logistics, water, waste and greenspace is being nurtured.
Discover the innovation projects »One of the largest urban development sites in Europe
12,000 new housing units
35,000 workplaces
60 property developers
No more than 200 metres to a park
916 MWh solar energy produced in 2023