Completed Updated: 03/07/2024
Energy systems analysis in Loudden
In recent years, developers have made substantial progress in their ambition to make buildings more energy efficient. However, there is still a long way to go before a completely fossil-free energy system at the area level.
Challenges exist in several areas, such as developing options to use and store solar energy, streamline waste heat recovery, and redistribute energy from producers to consumers.
Potential exists in:
- Stockholm’s district heating system is based on high supply temperatures, which means that it is difficult to create an open system where low-temperature waste heat and solar heat can be taken care of.
- High supply temperatures and extended piping in the large-scale district heating system also contribute to distribution losses.
- A local system offers potential to reduce distribution losses and improve energy recovery by using energy in wastewater locally.
The “Systems analysis for future sustainable energy systems” project is a comprehensive study into the energy supply in Loudden, an area of Stockholm Royal Seaport.
Purpose and goals
The purpose of the systems analysis is to investigate opportunities for fossil fuel-free, resource-optimised and cost-effective energy supply for areas of Stockholm Royal Seaport. The goal is to build such a system in Loudden.
Results and experiences
A system analysis for a fossil-free energy system in Loudden has been carried out. Among other things, the study investigated the possibility of creating a fossil-free energy system by using and storing locally generated energy and waste energy, as well as using and storing energy that has already been produced. The results provide a basis for continued work on the development of Loudden.
The system analysis included four steps:
- Collection and compilation of information on existing energy systems.
- Analysis of potential for changes/improvements.
- Construction of a scenario in collaboration with researchers, developers, and various City of Stockholm administrations and companies.
- Analysis of chosen scenarios in which factors such as resource optimisation, funding, and implementation are reviewed.
The study resulted in the selection of two systems for further review. One is an area-based proposal which is based on a low-temperature local heating network that is used for heating/cooling exchange between energy-efficient buildings and the recovery of wastewater from greywater. The other, a large-scale system, is based on using solutions that already exist and are operated by energy utility, Stockholm Exergi. This uses primarily recycled heat from the district heating network for heating. For domestic hot water, a third pipe is used to supply heat from district heating.