Completed Updated: 03/07/2024
Innovation procurement land remediation
Stockholm Royal Seaport is built on a former industrial area that needs to be remediated before use. Soil in the Kolkajen phase of the project is contaminated with substances that are hazardous to health and the environment, and therefore needs to be remediated. Traditionally, the land has been excavated and then masses of soil have been transported away to be disposed of or treated elsewhere. In Kolkajen, deep excavation remediation below the groundwater level would be required, which not only demands large amounts of transported masses but also incurs significant costs. Therefore, the City wanted to explore other methods that could be used to clean the masses on-site, known as in-situ methods.
Purpose and goals
The purpose of the project is to use new methods to procure consultants and contractors for design, pilot tests, and controls, to test various in-situ techniques and treatment methods for remediating contaminated soil on site. The goal is to develop knowledge about in-situ methods and technical tools that can be used for resource- and cost-effective soil remediation of industrial land.
Results and experiences
For the Kolkajen phase, an innovation procurement for design, pilot tests, and inspections of various in-situ remediation methods, including chemical oxidation, biological degradation, and soil washing, was conducted in 2016-2017. Several of the methods showed good results. This has since formed the basis for the full-scale remediation in Kolkajen.