Completed Updated: 05/06/2024
Increased citizen engagement for reduced climate impact
ElectriCITY Innovation in Hammarby Sjöstad has developed a model for citizen initiatives that is based on a grassroots approach. The model - which is based on research and experiences in sociology, pedagogy, psychology, technology, and economics - has been developed to engage residents in Hammarby Sjöstad.
The focus has been on energy efficiency, developing sustainable transport, and getting more people involved in environmental initiatives. It has become a good example of how citizens and companies can jointly contribute to the climate transition. ElectriCITY has carried out a number of citizen-driven activities in Hammarby Sjöstad with citizens, companies, and local property owners.
Purpose and goal
The purpose of the project is to further develop, document, and scale up the citizen initiative in Hammarby Sjöstad and to strengthen relationships between the residents of a district. The goal is to spread the method to other districts through collaboration and partnerships with organisations from other sectors.
Results and experiences
In Stockholm Royal Seaport, area-specific needs have been analysed. Work is underway to develop a method and concept for citizen engagement, primarily focusing on energy efficiency. A handbook will be created that describes how citizen engagement can be increased. At the same time, a model is being developed for how the method can incorporate a digital resident portal to enhance and deepen these efforts. Several meetings with representatives from housing associations and property owners from both the older and newer parts of Hjorthagen have been conducted, and various energy efficiency measures have been discussed. A number of buildings have undergone an "eco-drive" to identify the potential to further improve buildings' energy-efficiency. A working group on energy efficiency is planned to be launched in 2023.
Related document and further reading:
News: Networking Evening at Gasverket for Energy Efficiency (Swedish only)
(Stockholm Royal Seaport on Stockholm växer website)
External website: ElectriCITY Innovation
(Hammarby Sjöstad 2.0)
External website: Platform for resource efficiency (Swedish only)