Stockholm Royal Seaport

Sustainability Report

Stockholm Royal Seaport’s contribution to Agenda 2030

Below is how the Stockholm Royal Seaport urban development project contributes to the City of Stockholm achieving the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The goals are first described from Stockholm's perspective and then examples are given of how Stockholm Royal Seaport contributes. Urban development is mainly based on goal 11, "Sustainable cities and communities". However, the project works actively with all goals. Click on the icons for a full description.

The 5-minute city creates a dense inner city hub with mixed use facilities with close proximity to private and public amenities and parks.
Proximity to preschools, schools and libraries. Capacity development forums, skills development, R&D projects.
Local disposal of stormwater. Development projects within sorting wastewater systems.
All newly built dwellings are low-energy houses. Innovation projects about plus energy areas.
New knowledge, innovation projects, test bed.
Stockholm Royal Seaport contributes through all goal areas through inclusive and sustainable urbanisation. The focus is on people, with nature being an integral aspect of the 5-minute city where the local life that is reached on foot or by bicycle is promoted. Resource-efficient, holistic solutions result in reduced climate impact, increased climate adaption, and prepares Stockholm Royal Seaport for challenges of the future. Co-operation and innovative new thinking pave the way for creative solutions and encourage wide community involvement
Increased recycling and resource-efficient management of material flows.
Reduced use of fossil fuels. Green and blue structure that can handle rainfall and drought.
Multifunctional green and blue structure with robust ecosystems and biodiversity.