Stockholm Royal Seaport

Sustainability Report


Here's an overview of all achievements related to the five goals to and including 2023.

1. Vibrant city

1.1 An equal city

  • 52% of the apartments in Stockholm Royal Seaport are rental apartments and 48% are tenant-owned apartments. 8% are student accommo­dation.
  • Apartment sizes vary as follows: 10% (one-room apartments), 33% (two-room), 29% (three-room), 23% (four-room), and 4% (five-rooms or more)
  • In all land allocations, there is a requirement to develop concepts for a norm-critical housing design allowing a greater diversity of people.

1.2 Active daily life

  • To date, 4 squares, 11 parks and playgrounds, 1 outdoor gym, 1 primary school, 10 preschools, 1 sports hall, and 1 library have been built.
  • 16% of public open space is with social values, which corresponds to 26m2 per dwelling. It is 11m2 green oases per resident.
  • To date commercial space accounts for about 20%.
  • According to a resident survey from 2023, residents are extremely or fairly satisfied with access to: pre-schools and schools 29%, supermarkets 68% and squares and meeting places 85%.

1.3 Create spaces that are attractive and safe all day, all year

  • To date, 11 safety walks have been completed.
  • The resident survey from 2023 shows that the proportion of residents who feel safe in the area is nine out of ten. Men's and women's responses do not differ.

The Vibrant city strategy contributes to the UN global goals for sustainable development:

2. Accessibility and proximity

2.1 Easy to live without a car

  • Stockholm Royal Seaport is served by the Stockholm metro, several bus lines and a commuter ferry.
  • So far, an average of 2.6 bicycle spaces and 0.5 car parking spaces per residence have been built.
  • The 2023 residents survey shows that: 72% are satisfied with public transport. Women are significantly more satisfied with public transport compared to men. Traffic safety is perceived as good by 63% of pedestrians and 62% of cyclists. 25% use public transport at least five days a week during the winter. The corresponding proportion during the summer is 18%, probably because the proportion who walk or cycle is often larger.

2.2 Efficient, sustainable freight transport

  • Locally established and .
  • Co-loading of the Construction Consolidation Centre is 71% (goal 75%) and full loaded in direct transport is 76% (goal 50%).
  • The Mass Consolidation Centre has contributed to reducing mass transports by 70%.

2.3 Street as a meeting place

  • Streets for activity and recreation are planned in future stages.

2.4 Five minutes to basic amenities

  • Everyday services such as a grocery store, preschool and bus stops are within a 5-minute walk.

The Accessibility and proximity strategy contributes to the UN global goals for sustainable development:

3. Resource efficiency and reduced climate Impact

3.1 Reduce amounts of waste

  • To date 29% of the area has been remediated.
  • 1,050,000 tons of excavated materials have been reused in Stockholm Royal Seaport, which means that approximately 70,200 round-trip journeys have been avoided.
  • The amount of construction waste in new construction varies greatly between the developers; from 25 to 158 kg/m² GFA. The average is 47 kg/m².
  • in Stockholm Royal Seaport is 88 kg per person/year 2023.
  • Pop-up Reuse has so far been visited by 39,000 people, since its launch in 2017. In 2023, it was visited by approximately 7,400 people, 20,700 items were given new owners, thus 3.1 tonnes have been recycled.

3.2 Resource-efficient water and effluents

  • Planning guidelines for sorting sewage systems have been developed within the R&D project MACRO

3.3 Fossil-fuel free energy and transport system

  • On average, Norra 2 is 67 kWh/m2 (66 kWh/m2 according to Swedish building code regulations BBR19 and 20) On average, Brofästet is 65 kWh/m2 (54,5 kWh/m2 according to BBR23 and 24)
  • During 2023, 644 MWh of solar energy was produced on the roofs of completed phases. Additionally, the generated 235 MWh of solar electricity, and the produced 37 MWh.
  • In 2023 residents survey, 29% of households have agreements on eco-labeled energy.
  • 33 car parking spaces in the streets have electrical charging (carpooling) and a fast charging station. Additionally, 16% of car parking spaces on development sites are equipped with electrical charging.
  • There are currently two filling stations for 100 in Stockholm Royal Seaport.
  • 68% of the fuel used for machinery and vehicles in development sites during 2022 has been renewable. From 2024, there will be a requirement for 100% renewable fuels in construction machinery and transport.

3.4 Low climate impact

  • Average climate impact (public open spaces): Norra 1: 460 kg CO2e /m2, Västra: 3,130 kg CO2e /m2, Norra 2: 270 kg. CO2e /m2.
  • Climate impact from energy use in Norra 2: Total amount is 1,640 tonnes CO2e equivalent to approx. 248 kg CO2e/person.

3.5 Good indoor climates

  • 80% of developers meet gold standard for indoor environments.
  • The 2023 residents survey shows that 93% of the residents feel that the availability of daylight is generally good or very good, 83% believe that the air quality and 68% that the temperature is very or quite good in their home.

3.6 Sustainable selection of building materials

  • All stones have been checked based on ethical requirements.
  • 100% of developers and 90% of the City of Stockholm contractors document materials in digital logbooks.
  • for wood products was carried out in 2022, and in 2019 the LCC for fall protection and waste bins connected to the vacuum waste collection system was carried out.

The Resource efficiency and reduced climate Impact strategy contributes to the UN global goals for sustainable development:

4. Let nature do the work

4.1 Use ecosystem services

  • 98% property developers fulfil GSI.
  • Approximately 140,000m2 of new green space have been completed, including: 26,400m2 green roofs, 47,300m2 courtyards, 33,450m2 of park space which correspond to 11m2 per dwelling and 15,000m2 street vegetation and rain gardens
  • 640 new trees have been planted, of which over 120 oaks on public land, consisting of around 20 different tree species.
  • The resident survey from 2023 shows that 72% are satisfied with the outdoor environment in their courtyards. 87% visit parks and nature areas daily or several times a week.

The Let nature do the work strategy contributes to the UN global goals for sustainable development:

5. Consultation and learning

5.1 Stimulate long-term participation

  • Plant boxes are available in the area since 2012, 115 under 2023.
  • Preschool children and residents have the opportunity to participate in tours of beehives and guided tours etc.

5.2 Sustainable consumption

  • Pop-up Reuse have to date has 39,000 visitors in Stockholm Royal Seaport.
  • To date, 6 people outside the labor market have been employed for a shorter period of time.
  • 4 pre-schools of 10 are Green Flag certified.

5.3 Innovation and development

  • About 40 R&D projects have been completed and around 10 are ongoing. 4 innovation procurements have been conducted in the areas of reuse, land remediation, and construction logistics.
  • To date, just over 4,400 community builders have participated in various capacity development programs and 12,200 in introductory training at the .
  • More than 50,000 visitors from 120 countries have visited the urban development project. In 2023, 5,700 visitors in 260 groups visited Stockholm Royal Seaport.

The Consultation and learning strategy contributes to the UN global goals for sustainable development:

Sustainable Urban Development Programme

Urban development principles and sustainability targets (pdf)

Updated: 2024-05-03